January 10, 2012

Rockin' the Holiday Binge Belly...or NOT!

Yesterday was my first day back to the gym after ANOTHER long hiatus...about 2 months this time.  I have tried to get myself to go since the new year started, not really going for a New Year's Resolution or anything, just fighting off the sloth stigma.  There is a semi legit reason for the break...

I've got a gremlin in the tum tum taking my energy and making me a bit queazy here and there!

THAT'S RIGHT....#2 is on the way.  I'm 17 weeks today.  This little person should make its debut around June 19th, but that's just a birth guestimation anyway right!?!?!  I am getting to the point where my pooch isn't looking like "holiday binge belly" anymore, even though that has added to the resulting look I'm rockin' lately.  There are a few reasons I waited longer than last time to announce our exciting news, and some things that have been on my mind, so stay tuned to find out!  


  1. Vivian you were the first to say something, so I figured I oughta get it out there!

  2. That is totally awesome for you guys. Jack will be an awesome big brother.

  3. I thought for sure it was just a binge belly!

  4. Congrats Chandi!! Jack is going to be a great big brother!

  5. yea yea yea! congrats you guys! :) :) :) that is exciting

  6. Awesome! That is super exciting! I'm happy for you!!

  7. Yay Chandee! That is the only reason why I got back on Facebook, so I could stalk your baby makin progress. I'm so happy for you guys. You are way far along! Happy Dance! :)

  8. congrats! that is such a cute way to tell people (w/the photo of Jack)

  9. That is my little Eden's b-day! If it is a girl and she is born on her due date you will have to Name her Eden too! It is just an Eden day =)
